My mom told me as young as 1 year old,i am already fascinated with books.She told me she would always read me stories from fairy tales to novels She is a wide reader,and i guess i got that from her.I would always see different books from her table and beside her bed table.Maybe then,i was enthusiast to read books also.She would rather buy books for me than toys.As i was growing up,reading books for me is a part of me.I'd rather stay home at week ends than going out with friends,out in the street even at the weewee hour of the night.Now even if i am already a wife, a mom and a blogger,i still find time to read books.I have a lot of favorite authors.For my spiritual guidance, i read Joel Osteen,Joyce Meyer,Rick Warren,Bo Sanchez.For novels,i admire Paolo Cuello,Dan Brown,Nicholas Sparks and a lot more.I barely read suspense books because i'm very very weak-kneed when it come's to suspense or horror stories..Books literally help me widened my horizon , and I learned a lot from reading.Its one way of educating myself and knowing myself of who i am in behalf.
When i was still pregnant with my baby,i make it a point to read stories aloud so my baby in my tummy could hear me.When he was born up until now my hubby and i would read him stories and its so nice seeing him very excited and very behave every time we read stories for him.My Pedia told me that introducing your baby to books helps him develop his senses and his literacy development.We buy books with big and bright pictures and pictures with different expressions.
Books are full of learning and opportunities and i would gladly want to expose this habit to my baby.